
Counting Up Success Short in Concise Virtual Reality Bytes: Satisfyingly Ether Filled

What are the THREE KEYS to successfully marketing dental practices in this hyper promotional, social twitter spherical, existential virtual atmospherical media landscape ether surreal?

Dentist Client Testimonial -
Before we proceed, I will try, while gritting and grinding my teeth, to be totally virtually honest, rather than skirt the real tooth of it all.

Maybe to some three keys is a ridiculous premise after thinking about it for 3 seconds, but let's not think for now.

Dentists may have noticed up till now that exceptional dentistry services advertising agencies and dentist expertise marketer mere super beings like me. and other marketers, always have the power to distill ideas down to a number like three or seven or ten.

Why can we few thousand accomplish this truly amazingly bogus tea it up feat? Because we muster it up, like a 3 minute egghead.

It's right here in the none refereed bootlegged Dental Marketing Hand Rook, 2012.0 version, that we "the dental marketeer must conjure up simplicity for all those willing to approach and approve of being snookered by it". With the 2013.0 version soon to be ether reeled out to us very shortly, I have come up with a discontinued diversion at a lower brow value for those dentists disinterested.
  1. Pay me, and I will do it all for you.
  2. Pay some other dental marketing firm, and this happens to me ;-(
  3. Pay lots of us for doing different things, and many of us could benefit, but I probably will still whine. (distilling, remember?)
  • Addendum: Not much more than the last paragraph - below these next two - has all true reality value. 
Yet many dental marketing gurus probably have not seen a THREE Keys to Over the Top Marketing for Dentistry section in their handbook because I virtually plagiarized most of it, and then quickly self-published it on hook, line and sinkered. But I really think it does have long tale feathering turkey legs.

Even though I was on the NYC many Times Best sold no one on it List* for months on end (and no insight), the thought experiment was not a total pun full belly flop.

Basically, I was able to get dentists to review something more valuable in the intermediary, actual results in the form of a testimonial for a client who saw 3+ years of positive results and that is after the supposed dentist production crash bemoaned here. My Reply Tweeted Here.

*Now Yanking Chain many Times Best sold no one on it List
Please reject my apologies for this gaudy tapestry.

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Richard Chwalek

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